Cosmetic Ingredient Allantoin Manufacturer
cosmetic ingredient Allantoin, formula C4H6N4O3, is a compound also known as 5- ureidohydantoin or glyoxyldiureide. It is a diureide of glyoxylic acid. Allantoin is the major metabolic intermediate of most organisms including animals, plants and bacteria. It is made from uric acid, which is a degradation product of purine nuclease.
Manufacturers listed several beneficial effects of allantoin as an active ingredient in over-the-counter cosmetics, including: moisturizing and keratinolytic effects, increasing the water content of the extracellular matrix, and enhancing peeling. Getting rid of upper layer of dead skin cells increases the smoothness of the skin; promotes cell proliferation and wound healing; and soothes, resists irritation and skin protection, forming complexes with stimulants and sensitizers.

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